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Thoughts of the Lady in the Tower

2004-04-08 - 5:31 p.m.

We're closing on our house on June 25 at 10 am.

::bounce, bounce, bounce::

Haven't had time for much. Work has been busy (we're understaffed by 12 people).

I don't get a chance to read/write diaryland/livejournal on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, since Wednesdays are fighter practice and Tuesdays are various activities.

First Tuesday is business meeting, then A&S, then archery, then A&S. Amalia and Jonthas have an indoor archery range, so we don't even get a break for bad weather (which is good in the winter, but bad for my sleep schedule).

At KASF I got an invitation to sing with Ladies Fayre (which I'm probably misspelling), and I'm going to start later this month. That will take up Fridays.

Busy, busy, busy.