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2005-10-03 - University Recap
2005-09-18 - -
2005-08-31 - Katrina thoughts
2005-08-11 - August update
2005-07-06 - 4 month update
2005-05-06 - Still alive
2005-03-03 - Nesting update
2005-02-21 - -
2005-01-25 - I'm a travelling fool
2005-01-13 - Starting Over
2005-01-02 - SCA Question meme
2004-12-05 - Good feeling
2004-11-29 - Deer Trouble
2004-11-22 - Castle Notorious
2004-11-14 - A Day at the Races (event report)
2004-11-12 - Gyrth
2004-11-03 - General updates and a note on the election
2004-10-24 - General Update
2004-10-21 - Whidbey Island: Part 5, Testing!
2004-10-15 - Music Questions
2004-10-14 - Whidbey Island: Training and Second Weekend (parts 3 and 4)
2004-10-10 - Pictures from Crusades
2004-10-05 - Whidbey Island: The First Weekend (Cathedral Demo), part 2
2004-10-04 - Whidbey Island: Arrival (1 of 6)
2004-09-27 - Whidbey Island Bests and Worsts
2004-09-08 - Life update
2004-09-07 - Hurricanes
2004-09-03 - Minor Update
2004-08-23 - They Really Like Me, Redux
2004-08-22 - QotD
2004-08-19 - They like me, they really like me
2004-08-06 - Freezing today at work
2004-08-05 - Upcoming Goals
2004-08-04 - DCI!
2004-08-04 - DCI!
2004-07-24 - Sewing Updates
2004-07-20 - Novice Tourney Best and Worst
2004-07-20 - Sbandieratori deadline
2004-07-11 - New Viking Garb
2004-07-08 - A new family member
2004-07-05 - Weekend Update
2004-06-28 - My new house!
2004-06-20 - Stierbach's Baronial Birthday
2004-06-16 - Attendance at A&S Classes
2004-06-15 - Teaching the Art of Being a Noblewoman
2004-06-08 - Heraldry: Congratulations to me!
2004-06-06 - Deference
2004-06-04 - Updating bits
2004-05-28 - Living History?
2004-05-21 - Answers to Friendtest
2004-05-17 - News update
2004-05-15 - Dancing in Carolingia
2004-05-07 - Pre-weekend bits
2004-05-06 - Bests and Worsts of Crown Tourney
2004-05-04 - Use of Baronial Arms
2004-05-03 - Crown Tournament
2004-04-30 - -
2004-04-29 - Why and how I blog
2004-04-27 - Updating the Red Cotehardie
2004-04-26 - House Bits
2004-04-19 - Weekend Bits
2004-04-08 - Closing date
2004-04-02 - Not much
2004-04-01 - Disguisting SCAdian Behavior
2004-03-30 - Eventing Schedule
2004-03-29 - House Ramblings
2004-03-25 - Government Scrapbooking
2004-03-22 - Chatelaine database geeking
2004-03-13 - Silverwings Laws and commentary
2004-03-07 - KASF Event Report
2004-02-29 - Good News
2004-02-15 - I found a house!
2004-02-07 - House rambles
2004-02-01 - Historical builldings and a bit of family history
2004-01-30 - My job is not a Pain
2004-01-26 - Living in the Frozen North
2004-01-25 - Update and University
2004-01-18 - Cliques
2004-01-16 - Let's try this again
2003-09-08 - No one is home


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