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Thoughts of the Lady in the Tower

2004-01-16 - 12:28 a.m.

Well, I've moved to Maryland (Waldorf area, Barony of Dun Carriag). I figure I'll give this public diary thing another shot.

So, what's up with me?

Finished school (Master's in Materials Science and Engineering) and am waiting for the final paperwork to go through to start work (probably on Jan 26, but it might wait 2 more weeks; depends on Human Resources; they have work they REALLY want me to do, though, so it's looking like the Jan date).

It'll be a fun job. I'll be working with the Research & Development department of the division of the Navy that detects and "renders safe" explosive materials. Cool stuff.

I'm house hunting, and living with my parents. Let me tell you, living with your parents and your significant other at the same time is . . . interesting. I'll be glad to find a place to live; trying to fit everything in a single (small!) bedroom sucks.

Dun Carriag is a small barony; quite a change from Nottinghill Coill. Since I like to over-analyze stuff I'll probably end up comparing the two.

But, it's late and I'm off to bed.