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Thoughts of the Lady in the Tower

2004-09-08 - 6:46 p.m.

Life Update

Won't update here until the very end of September, probably (unless I get very bored and hook the laptop up in the hotel room, but I probably won't have time to be bored).

I'm going to Whidbey Island (Washington State) for 2+ weeks. I'm running a project for work, so I'll be spending probably 8 hours a day in a small rubber boat (I'm hoping that there will be a larger one and the divers will be in the small one, but that hope is small).

In the evenings, I'll be crunching data, either alone or with a coworker (one will be out with me Friday, another during the last week; next week it'll just be me). Hey, I get to earn comp time, so it's not all a bad deal.

During the weekends, I'm doing SCA stuff in An Tir! Yay! There's a demo in a Cathedral the first weekend (how often do you get to wear garb in a cathedral?!) and a semi-major war the second weekend.

I'll let you know how it went when I get back, but now I've got to go pack!