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Thoughts of the Lady in the Tower

2004-10-15 - 2:38 p.m.

Two questions:

Period discography
Now that girl-with-the-annoying-voice-who-likes-to-sing has forced me to bring headphones and music to work, I'm looking for suggestions. So far I've been operating on trial and error, and that sucks when you don't have much money to play with.

My two favorite disks (if that helps) are:

The Dufay Collective: Miracles
Alte Musik: At the Sign of the Crumhorn

Specifically, several of the disks I've picked up have been rather. . . insipid. I'm trying to avoid more of that.

Also, vocals in English are bad (because I want to sing along).

Can you help me?

Finding groups to play with

Finding a recorder group in SC was easy, I went to the American Recorder Society. That route has turned up empty (unless I get brave enough to try DC traffic during the week, and we're talking a major trek here). Any other suggestions?

SCA participation is a plus, though not required. I just want to make music.

How do you find fellow musicians?

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