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Vistors since 2 April 2004.

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Thoughts of the Lady in the Tower

2004-04-01 - 11:52 a.m.

I enjoyed Mistress Isobel's April Fool's Day Entry and hope you do, too. I was going to pick out a couple I liked especially, but I can't. They're too funny.

Disguisting SCAdian Behavior

What is it about the SCA that makes people think they can judge whether someone needs a therapist or not? I comment on the fact that polling orders are generally seen as having a higher status than non polling orders and in response someone posts that people who consider status to be a main priority need to see a therapist.

Except that he couldn't spell therapist. Hell, he can't spell his own name half the time.

Anyway, back to the main question. WTF was up with that comment?

I'll admit, I'm sensitive to that. I honestly believe that the only people qualified to judge if someone needs therapy and/or medication are: the person themselves, possibly the person's significant other, and the person's doctor. Yet I encounter it in the SCA time after time after time.

I don't like it.

  1. It's dismissive and disrespectful. You're telling that person that their opinions don't matter, and they need to seek mental treatment.
  2. It's presumptuative. You don't know that person well enough to make that judgment.
  3. It's rude. If you know someone well enough to make that decision, you shouldn't be telling them on an email list and you should be sensitive enough not to use it as a derisive comment to someone ELSE who isn't involved.
  4. It's none of your business. A person's mental health is the business of that person, their doctor, and possibly their significant other. If you aren't on that list, I don't want to hear word ONE come out of your mouth about it.

    So next time someone turns to you and suggests that someone who's acting weird must be off their medication, consider what I've said and STOMP ON IT.

    Perhaps it's a regional thing. In the south everyone's in everyone else's business. I heard these types of comments WAY too often. I honestly can't remember hearing it up here (and I've certainly been in situations where those comments COULD be made, but weren't).

    I guess it's just another GREAT thing about leaving South Carolina and Nottinghill Coill behind!